Application For ACBN Recognized Nutrition Seminar

Thank you for your interest in seeking approval from the American Clinical Board of Nutrition for your upcoming seminar.

As part of our certificants biennial recertification process they may take twelve (12) recognized credit hours of nutritional instruction one out of every two years. In order for a seminar to be recognized, the organization putting on the nutrition seminar must:
• The seminar must be submitted for recognition by the ACBN Board 120 days in advance of the event. Additional supportive information is sometimes requested to further as certain the content.

• The seminar must be sponsored by a college, university, institution, foundation or agency having status with an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or an agency having a reciprocal agreement with the recognized agency.

• All speakers must demonstrate to the ACBN Board sufficient expertise in the subject matter they are lecturing.

• A Curriculum Vitae (must include date of birth, institute, major, and date degree was granted)

• Hour by hour content of their lecture.

• Demonstrate the Events nutritional content; Lecture slides must be submitted in .pdf or powerpoint format to document nutrition content.

• Disclosure if they are representing a product or service. If a product or company will be mentioned in their lecture (Conflict of interest), the amount of “exposure” apportioned to a company or product must be specified. The Review Committee will examine the content for conflicts with NCCA/ICE policies.

In order to be an ACBN approved seminar, please fill out the following application and return 120 days prior to the scheduled seminar presentation date. Should that not be possible, email us at for us to discuss special accomodations. Additional rush vetting fees may apply.
Name of Organization holding the seminar *
Address of Organization *
Phone Number *
Fax Number *
Email Adress*
Date(s) Of Seminar*
Date *
List of speakers and their topic(s):
How many CE's per lecture? *
CE's for Entire Program *
Letter from Sponsoring College/University/Other (Please Attach) *
Checklist of Required Documents to Submit
1.Basic application (above)

2. Letter from college, university, foundation, institution or agency, as described above
     a. Their sponsorship of the seminar
     b. The number of credit hours approved by them
     c. States CE were applied

3. A curriculum vitae (must include date of birth, institute, major, and date degree was granted)

4. Content of their lecture

5. Credit hours of their lecture applying for

6. Disclosure if they are representing a product or service. If they represent a product or company that will be mentioned in their lecture (Conflict of interest).

7. Lecture slides must be submitted in .pdf or powerpoint format to document nutrition content.

8. There is an administrative fee as follows: per credit hour:
     a. Per Credit Hour - $100.00
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