Exam Resources

Reference Books

These reference books are not required reading but may be beneficial as resource material(s) in preparation for the ACBN diplomate examination:

Nutrition Medicine
(Alan R. Gaby, MD)

The Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th Ed
(Guyton A, Hall J.)

Handbook of Interpretation of Diagnostic Test
(Wallach, J.)

Clinical Guide to Nutrition & Dietary Supplements in Disease Management
(Jamison, J.)

Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism
(Hunt S, Groff J.)

Nutritional Medicine, 2nd Ed
(Alan R. Gaby, MD)

Laboratory Evaluations for integrative and Functional Medicine, 2nd Ed
(Drs Lord & Bralley)

Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 7th Edition or newer
(Shils & Young)

Exercise Physiology-Nutrition,Energy and Human Performance, 7th Ed
(McArdle and Katch)

Clinical Natural Medicine Handbook
(Meletis ND, Zabriske MD and Rountree MD)

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