M.S. in Human Nutrition, U of Conn Bridgeport. C.F.M.P., Functional Medicine University & NHSU, D.C. NWHSU
M.S., D.C., C.F.M.P.
As a teenager, Dr. Burtis lost both of his parents to cancer. With an interest in helping others, he considered becoming a medical doctor. It wasn’t long, however, before Dr. Burtis became concerned with Western medicine’s emphasis on drugs and surgery. Around the same time, he ran into a classmate from college who had continued onto chiropractic school. “What is that?” Dr. Burtis asked. Soon, he was poring over a book about natural health care and how the power that made the body, heals the body.
We’re designed by God to heal. As long as you eat right and manage your stress, your body can take care of itself.”
Dr. Burtis knew it was exactly what he was looking for, and it inspired him to choose a new path. He enrolled at Northwestern Health Sciences University, graduating as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 1987.
Years later, Dr. Burtis’ son was diagnosed with a brain tumor. With an intense desire to help, Dr. Burtis started looking into other avenues and came across the great impact nutrition has on our health. This discovery led to him earning a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition (and a Certification in Functional Medicine), which he puts to great use today for his patients at Burtis Chiropractic Center.